Free Business I.T Health Check
I.T Health Check
Computers running slow? Mountains of Company Data? Not sure your I.T is upto speed?
I.T is the backbone of all 21st Century business. Don’t neglect it, let our skilled professionals take a root and branch look at your I.T infrastructure. Our no obligation check-up is designed to give an unbiased honest assessment of the key features and resilience of your I.T provision.
With our Business I.T health check we will look into the following areas of concern:
1: Fire wall. Make sure your system has an effective fire wall in place and the settings are correct.
2: Anti-Virus. Check that a robust antivirus program is installed so you’re not at risk from mal ware and other threats.
3: Bloat ware. These programs add nothing to your I.T just clog up your machines as they boot up. We look for redundant or worthless programs that clog up your systems and advise on their removal.
4: System Logs. Our engineers look for persistent error reports that could show us where your system is failing.
5: Speed test. Network speed test could help pin point any areas of over load that need rectifying.
6: Windows. Looking at the settings for windows updates we ensure you’re on the most up to date versions of windows programs.
After we have carried out the health check we will advise on areas of weakness and strength and formulate a plan for your organisation. If wanted we can put together a bespoke quote to provide a strong resilient plan for your I.T. Of course no obligation to have a quote, we believe in friendly service at all times coupled with an honest open approach. Everything we do is centred on your organisation.
Areas we cover include: Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Castleford, Sheffield,M62 Corridor.
Call Bextec today to discuss an I.T health check or talk about any of our I.T services.